I’m Madison Grace, the creative behind Covered by Grace Design!
I’ve been crafting, pasting, and gluing art projects together since I could pick up a brush… (most definitely inspired by my beautiful mom!) When I was fourteen, I began to make my faith my own and that small spark grew to a huge passion to see people know the love of Jesus.
The grace of God is such an undeserved gift from a gentle King who laid aside all the glory of heaven to serve broken, imperfect people like me! So, I’ll leverage my whole life and steward the gifts God so graciously offers me to advance the Gospel and create opportunities to share the grace and hope I’ve been so freely given!
Here’s where the journey began: I started an Etsy and off I went, selling cardstock with hand-lettered Bible verses and painting canvases with encouraging quotes. This became an avenue for me to share my faith and only continued to grow into various creative branches! Then, in 2017, I painted my first Bible for my cousin’s friend. I had never considered painting a Bible, but once I did I fell in love with the process. I would take orders and have a chance to listen to people’s stories and be a part of painting a meaningful verse and custom design across the cover of their copy of God’s Word. During the craziest year of all our lives, I had the opportunity to create hand-painted designs that would be printed on the covers of Bibles! Through this opportunity, Covered by Grace was born and Bibles began printing May of 2021. The journey of Covered by Grace has been one that the Lord’s hand is evidently in, as the most unlikely of doors have been opened. It has been the honor of a lifetime to be a small part in the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Gospel simply starts with loving people and my heart behind all I do is to glorify the Lord and reflect His love. My hope is that by having a Covered by Grace Bible, you are encouraged all the more to seek Jesus daily.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith…”